Greeting Card Faithful Quilter
# GC19

From Jody Houghton Designs
In Notecards, Notepads & Stationery
A delightful 5in x 7in greeting card featuring Jody Houghton’s signature style. Her designs are always a favorite with Quilter! The card comes packaged with an envelope and clear plastic sleeve.
Outside Reads: Faithful Quilter. Faithful Friend. Her stash is as big as her heart. Joyfilled & overflowing. Her quilts are as bright and cherry as her spirit. Full of life, love & caring. From the first stich to the last... A faithful quilter is she. Through sun, wind & rain, A faithful friend she'll joyfully be.
Inside: Blank
Made of: Paper
Size: 5in x 7in
Use: Greeting Card
Outside Reads: Faithful Quilter. Faithful Friend. Her stash is as big as her heart. Joyfilled & overflowing. Her quilts are as bright and cherry as her spirit. Full of life, love & caring. From the first stich to the last... A faithful quilter is she. Through sun, wind & rain, A faithful friend she'll joyfully be.
Inside: Blank

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