Checker Distributors

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Open an account and save 10% on your first purchase.

Legal Business Name:
Legal Name Of Your Business: *
Business Registration Number: *

Other Business Names:
List any names you sell under on 3rd party websites:

Business Location:
Address 1: *
Address 2:
City: *
State: *
Zip Code: *
Location Classification: *

Business Information:
Years In Business: *
Legal Business Type: *
Primary Store Type: *
Website URL:

Business Tax Status:
Business Is Resale Only:
Tax Exempt/Resale Number:

Open Terms:
Would you like to apply for Open Terms:

Email Address(es):
Billing & Shipping information:
(One email limit)
Email Address:*

Marketing & Promotional information:
(Separate multiple emails with a ",")
Marketing Email is the same as Billing email:
Email Address:*

If your email addres(es) change, please notify Checker immediately.

Phone Numbers:
Phone 1: *
Phone 2:

Shipping Address:
Shipping Address Is The Same As Business Address:
Address 1: *
Address 2:
City: *
State: *
Zip Code: *

Owner Information:
Owner Name: *

Owner Address Is The Same As Business Address:
Address 1: *
Address 2:
City: *
State: *
Zip Code: *

Product Interest

Creative Grids MAP IMAP Policy:

I Accept The Creative Grids MAP IMAP Policy Terms and Conditions *

KKB Perfect Products, LLC MAP IMAP Policy:

I Accept The KKB Perfect Products, LLC MAP IMAP Policy Terms and Conditions *

Credit Card Terms and Conditions:

**I hereby affirm I am the owner of the credit card and am authorized to use this credit card for the purpose of purchasing merchandise for resale from Checker Distributors.
I Agree To The Above Terms And Conditions *

General Terms and Conditions:

I Accept The General Terms and Conditions *

Submit Account Application:
* Denotes Required Fields